Our rides are like putting together a puzzle. Some may see a completed puzzle and wonder “Why didn’t they just buy the picture? It would have been so much easier.” Some may see the puzzle and notice the imperfections created by the pieces that have been cut out. But others...

Geneva blew us away. Literally. The wind today was crazy and didn’t let up all day. We took the train to the old sector and wandered for several hours. The Geneva fountain wasn’t operating due to the wind and walking along the lake wasn’t very peaceful either. But the weather...

We are back in Geneva. We are sitting in an absolutely delightful Airbnb. Once again we arrived early. I had purposefully planned the last few days of riding to be a little bit shorter. That way we’d have some flexibility in case something was going wrong and we needed to...

We slept well. The cooler weather helps, as does a comfortable (firm) bed. 

We both slept well. It is mildly awkward to stay in an Airbnb “room” with or without the host present. Our first Airbnb, the one we stayed in after we landed in Geneva, was just a room, but it felt a little more like it was set up for multiple...

With a title like that, I realize I need to jump right to the story. I will cover the boring stuff, like how we slept, toward the end.

Several months ago, when planning our route and our accommodations I decided to add a rest day into the middle of this week. I looked at various options to go up to Interlaken as part of a professional tour, so that we could at least spend part of a day...

Rain was in the forecast, starting at 1, so we woke up early (after a really good sleep), ate breakfast, and started riding by 8 AM. In addition to the rain forecast, the Airbnb situation wasn’t really conducive for sitting around. We had one more opportunity to thank the kind...

I’m kinda going to talk about today in reverse order. We just had one of the more unique Airbnb experiences of our trips. Where we are staying tonight didn’t have many options. And so I had arranged for us to stay in a room, meaning we would be sharing the...

We woke up to drizzling rain. We expected it. We set our alarm so we could say goodbye to Clara, an adult child of our hosts who was on her way to school. She was so sweet in wanting to say goodbye and hug us. It was fun to get...

Last evening, we spent time with our hosts visiting on their back porch. They were so kind and welcoming. They shared with us a dessert she had made to celebrate her husband‘s retirement. We appreciate their kindness and hospitality. It was the second evening in a row where we disappointed...

This morning we woke up and left our Airbnb by 9:15. We rode until about 3:15. It was amazing to think that last year we rode yesterday‘s ride and today’s ride all in one day. We were plenty tired arriving today and grateful we didn’t have another 50 miles to...

I’ll get to how we slept in a moment… I first have to tell you where we are right now. We’re relaxing on the porch of a delightful Airbnb in a town about 50 miles away from where we slept last night, and it couldn’t be more different than last...

We both slept well in the barrel. Our bed was firm and the rain had cooled things off. We set our alarm for 7, as that timing worked well for our hosts who were bringing us breakfast. We wanted to be able to say goodbye and thank them in person....

Our Airbnb last night worked out great. We slept in a bed in the loft. The stairs to the loft were so steep! We both were worried that one of us was going to fall down them in the middle of the night walking to the bathroom. Gratefully, we made...