
We both slept really well last night. Our camping spot was perfect. It was a small park on a ranch. We put our tent near some big trees to block the wind, cleaned up, ate, and passed out.

This morning we left a little after 8, because that is when this small gas station opened and we were committed to packing more water and Gatorade this time. We loaded up with lots of ice and hit the road. We probably should have left about 2 hours earlier, because there wasn’t wind until around the time we left. It wasn’t head on for much of the ride and we seemed to tolerate it better. About 40 miles into our 60 mile trip today we turned from riding South to riding North-East. Having a side wind and tail wind changed everything. We went from having to pedal to go downhill (seriously) to riding a good pace uphill. The wind hitting a bike with big wide panniers makes a huge difference.

We are now in heaven, sitting poolside and eating chilled watermelon at an outstanding bed and breakfast in Nephi. Who knew Nephi had such a place?

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Pete and Natalie




We use slowcomotion to view the world from the perspective of our unique tandem recumbent. We love exploring countries using the path less traveled. This blog captures many of our memories.

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