
We actually got to wear our shorts today and, halfway through the ride, our short sleeves! Beautiful day, nice temperature. Pete managed not to get his lips sunburned this time. (He always took my chapstick when offered, this ride.)

We were riding an out and back, so yesterday’s tail wind was today’s headwind. We seemed to do fine with it. It probably slowed us less than one mile per hour. The bigger challenge today involved about 500 more feet of climbing, with the steepest climb right at the end. We made it fine, but pretty much collapsed after getting off the bike at the end of our ride.

We probably won’t do this ride again, mainly because there was little to no shoulder most of the ride. Some cars gave us plenty of room, some not so much, and some had no choice due to oncoming traffic. Moving uphill at 6mph on a road with vehicles zipping by at 65mph or more, feels a little sketchy.

I think our biggest mission for Europe is to keep the mileage short enough each day to have left over time and energy for sightseeing.

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Pete and Natalie




We use slowcomotion to view the world from the perspective of our unique tandem recumbent. We love exploring countries using the path less traveled. This blog captures many of our memories.

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